Cloud Migration Advantages For Your Business

Joel Zamboni

1 min Read · January 1, 1

Migration to the cloud is one of the most beneficial trends for companies of all sizes and areas betting on having more competitiveness, flexibility, and cost reduction. In addition, data security and the ease of optimizing processes are a consequence of this technology.

When skilled teams with good planning perform, migration to the cloud is uncomplicated. The solutions need to be organically connected to the organization’s infrastructure not to impact teams in the change process.

It is essential to emphasize the importance of cooperation between business and IT teams, provided by an agile and 100% dedicated infrastructure capable of supporting the speed of transformations. New forms of remote work, for example, require special attention to security to ensure smooth development.

The success of most technology projects is directly related to the methods used, and the way developers work to improve the efficiency and competitive advantages of organizations, always focusing on what will bring the best results to the business.

After the IT team organizes the project, the migration can be performed. This process can be carried out internally through some platforms. Still, it can also be done by outsourced companies, being under the responsibility of specialists in cloud administration, such as Webera.

Using a specialized team to carry out this migration is advantageous because the cloud environment requires constant monitoring and data analysis to cut expenses and seek practical operations.

Migrating to the cloud brings several benefits, providing agility to add new features and functions in an agile, practical, and scalable way.

Check out the advantages of cloud migration:

  • Reduced management team;
  • Containment of financial resources;
  • Ability to increase workload without impacting performance;
  • Ease of access to data;
  • Reduction of time between processes;
  • Partnerships with providers.

Other advantages that deserve to be highlighted involve security, flexibility, and disaster recovery/backup improvement. Cloud computing security, for example, is certified based on strict global standards, ensuring that all information is 100% protected.

The flexibility of using the cloud responds to customer demand, which significantly benefits, especially on seasonal dates, when the order can suddenly increase, causing work overloads.

Cloud computing allows for database backup, software updates, and periodic maintenance regarding data recovery. The cloud provider will automatically take care of these details, and all the information will be available whenever needed.

Therefore, it is possible to conclude that having an infrastructure in the cloud is fundamental in activities related to the domain, user access, and access to data in an agile and secure way. After all, being in the cloud means having access to the ideal tools to add more and more value to your business. The advantage is having the security of recovering data in critical cases.

Has your company already migrated to the cloud?

Contact us and take the first step in the digital transformation of your business.

Webera offers the best solution for this process.

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