Improving company performance with DevOps: strategies and best practices

Joel Zamboni

1 min Read · January 1, 1

Research reveals the impact of DevOps on company efficiency

A recent study conducted by Forrester Research, a leading market analysis company, investigates the effects of DevOps strategies on businesses.

The research revealed that companies that adopted DevOps had interesting results, such as:

  • A 30% reduction in software release time;
  • A 40% decrease in incident resolution time;
  • A 60% reduction in waiting time for infrastructure resources.

In addition, according to the same research, companies that adopted DevOps were able to make changes more frequently and with fewer interruptions in the development process.

Another aspect highlighted by Forrester Research was the relationship between adopting DevOps and improving customer satisfaction. According to the study, companies that adopted the methodology reported a 40% increase in customer satisfaction and a 30% reduction in user complaints.

Overall, the Forrester Research study shows that DevOps is a valuable methodology for improving business performance .

As development and operations teams collaborate, companies can achieve a more streamlined and efficient process. Additionally, they improve the quality of the software developed, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce operating costs.

7 Strategies and best practices to improve company performance with DevOps

Companies can adopt several strategies and best practices to improve performance with DevOps. Check them out below!

1. Invest in automation

Automation is key to achieving efficiency in DevOps. Therefore, companies should automate as many tasks as possible.

This must be done from the beginning, from continuous integration to automated deployment and through automated tests.

2. Integrate continuously

Continuous integration (CI) is a practice that involves frequently integrating all developers’ source code into a single shared repository.

This ensures that any issues are caught early on before they have a chance to become more complex and harder to fix.

3. Deliver continuously

Continuous delivery (CD) is a practice that focuses on delivering software quickly and securely, using as little human intervention as possible.

This practice enables companies to release new features and patches faster and more efficiently.

4. Monitor continuously

Continuous monitoring of software and infrastructure performance is critical to ensuring system stability and reliability.

In order to ensure the quality of the service, companies must monitor performance indicators, such as response time, resource usage, and availability.

5. Encourage collaboration between teams

DevOps’ success depends on the collaboration between development teams and operations.

Teams must work together to identify problems and come up with solutions. This will significantly reduce incident response time.

6. Secure your information

Information security must be considered from the beginning of the development process.

Implementing security practices as part of the DevOps process, such as automated security testing and code reviews, is a must for companies.

7. Improve continuously

Companies must constantly seek to learn from their mistakes and improve their processes.

DevOps is an ongoing process of improvement, and companies should experiment with new approaches and technologies to improve their results.

These are the top strategies and best practices that companies can adopt to improve performance with DevOps. We advise you to carefully analyze each of them and see what works best for your business.

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