Pathways to a culture of innovation

Joel Zamboni

1 min Read · January 1, 1

Innovation comes from people and comes anytime

Chance only favors the prepared mind - Louis Pasteur

Forget for a moment the AI technologies that make life easier for the entire IT area and that we love. Empower your team and keep it updated, as this is what will bring value (better results) to your client.

In addition to training your team, offer spaces to exchange ideas without periodicity or by appointment. Waiting for new ideas to emerge in on-going meetings can work; however, this format can wear out. New concepts can appear in a simple hall chat.

Offer common areas to promote free communication between all areas and employees. If the work format is remote, use resources to hire tools that provide this internal relationship.

The cloud is an indispensable resource when we think about innovation. It encourages collaboration between teams, makes all the processes of an organization simpler, and all this with all the necessary security.

Products, not projects

“The invention requires two things: the ability to do many experiments and not have to live with the collateral damage of failed experiments.” - Andy Jassy, CEO, Amazon Web Services

Nothing is more appropriate than paying attention to the recommendation of a team that has been working with highly scalable technologies for years for According to AWS, the squad that created a new idea, or product, should be responsible for putting them on the air and keeping it up and running.

The cloud computing giant, which today offers numerous applications, discovered that autonomy is important. Its teams are in charge of taking care of the complete application cycle, including receiving customer feedback, roadmap, etc. According to AWS itself, autonomy brings motivation and opens doors to creativity. This creates a safe environment for people to bring their ideas to the fore. Enabling teams to own their “own noses” requires a change in the organization’s mentality.

Start with customers

At Webera, we have the right professionals working on the front with customers. They are collaborators prepared to create a professional relationship and show the human side in their routines.

We know that this task requires sensitivity and especially knowledge to identify a new customer demand. After noticing the opportunity, you need to follow a flow of execution to complete the new application or update. Being 100% aligned with everyone involved and ready to be born, the solution will delight the customer’s eyes, and you can celebrate!

Hire the creators and let them create

Do not waste energy or create obstacles when creating. Application and product innovation processes must flow without bottlenecks. Understand that the quick and efficient result will work for your client. The faster and more agile a company’s internal processes work, the faster the flywheel cycle will spin.

Think about the market that we are in and the countless companies that fit the “super-modern” profile, but that are just the old-fashioned doing differently in reality.

This fits in companies that preach diversity, for example, and that sooner or later are not so diverse. This is also applicable in the area of innovation. It is not enough to have this in mind or the meeting calendar. It is necessary to breathe innovation, encourage employees and teams from all areas of the company. Gives leadership, going through the sales, marketing, and technology department.

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