Say goodbye to G Suite and welcome to Google Workspace

Joel Zamboni

1 min Read · January 1, 1

Get to know the new Google’s brand application that already helps us during the work routine.

Google has announced that it is taking the G Suite out of the picture. You can calm down because the change is only in the icons and service name. This reformulation takes place after some changes - for the better - in passing, which enabled greater integration and agility in our daily work.

Google Workspace Brand

Now that we’ve mentioned that you’ll be able to go smoothly with your documents in collaboration with your entire team, in addition to having a fantastic tool for video calls, some things have changed.
It may seem strange at first, but as a rebranding, it makes perfect sense. Instead of G Suite, Google Workspace shows you what it came. Having Google in the name reinforces the brand through the excellent quality of the applications.

Workspace defines what it is. A good example is Webera. Google applications are our desk, contact with our colleagues, and even our meeting point at happy hour.
The icons also have changed. As always, there will be a group putting defects here or there, but the missing touch to mark the origin of applications is tattooed on widgets.
Red makes ownership of all applications in the new Google Workspace clear.

Old G Suite logos and the new design of the Google Workspace brand

After all, what are the changes in practice?

Around millions of people use Workspace for a fee. And customer feedback has helped Google improve the service proposition. If you want to know more about these updates, check out our post about that.

The primary services, such as meeting and calendar, are concentrated in the Gmail inbox. It allows you to control everything without having to switch screens. Soon, it will be possible to manage and work on documents with anyone, straight through the chat rooms, without having to open a new tab. Another unique feature will be the smart chip, as Google is calling it.
When tagging a person in Workspace documents, a pop-up will appear with contact details and actions you can take, such as opening the chat, meets or sending an email. Take a look at the video:

Smart Chip

Now, even more, we can understand why there are so many workers using Google’s tools.

Learn more about Google Workspace values, integration, and other details with us.
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